Lorsque vous devez faire un IISreset d’un site sharepoint multi server, il ne faut pas oublier le moindre serveurs WFE.
Voici un script powershell qui peut vous aider.
# Get the farm object to find get all the WFEs in the farm [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") $farm = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]::Local Write-Host "You will now get the option to make an IISreset on all your WFEs" Write-Host "" # Enumerate through all servers in the farm foreach ($svr in $farm.Servers) { foreach ($svc in $svr.ServiceInstances) { # If the server has the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application service it # is most likely it's a WFE. if($svc.TypeName -eq "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application") { # Ask if we should make an IISReset on the server $IISReset = Read-Host "Do you want to make an IIS-reset on" $svr.DisplayName "server (yes/No)?" if($IISReset.ToLower() -eq "yes") { iisreset $svr.DisplayName } } } }
Description :
Je liste les WFE de la ferme sharepoint 2010.
Ensuite pour chaque serveurs trouvés, je réalise un IISreset.